This is a previous auto-generated hexo user manual. And I keep adding some new issues.
About Hexo: Check documentation for more info. When getting troubles, find answers in troubleshooting or ask questions on GitHub.
- Create a new post
1 | $ hexo new "My New Post" |
More info: Writing
- Run server
1 | $ hexo s |
More info: Server
- Generate static files
1 | $ hexo g |
More info: Generating
- Deploy to remote sites
1 | $ hexo d |
More info:
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Embed Video
To embed a YouTube video:
- Press the buttom “Share” below the video, and get the embed code.
- Pase it directly in the Markdown document.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Visual Design
Bootstrap can be used to design a beautiful and insightful website with navigation bars on the top of the website.
Graphic Design
Data Visualization
See: Online course on data visualization analysis, design & construction with D3.js
JQury can be used to build an interactive table rather than the common HTML table.